Friday, December 9, 2011

December 9, 2011
My end of year resolution is to be a better blogger. My last post was in June. I am going to do better. I have neglected my journal and my blog in my finishing my latest book, Too Personal for Words: The Invisible Path of Aging.  The corrections phase took longer than what I wanted even though i felt it had been edited to death. I will have the first copies in my hands in two weeks, perhaps before Christmas, but not the Solstice. This book is more autobiographical than I wished it to be. Like most books, it takes its own path, and the writer may cringe, but knows that is where it must go. Sophia, my wise and beautiful sixteen year old granddaughter, said that it was an important book for me to leave to a younger generation Oh, Sophie, please do not make the mistakes I did. You will make your own, but you have made it to sixteen without having to become an adult over night. I am proud of you, and your critique gave me courage when I was thinking of removing a couple of the grittier poems.

My third book of poems is focused on the Southwest. It won the WILLA Finalist Literary Award for poetry in 2011. Needless to say this was a grand surprise. I didn't expect it. I was over seventy when  I finally had time to make my poetry a top priority. This is written for each of you who has a creative dream that is not yet realized. It is never too late. Remember Grandma Moses and remember me.

I will close with a few recent thoughts.

1. Don't fear growing older. Make it an adventure, and remember to laugh at yourself. It keeps you humble.

2. Don't let the insanity of the period we are living through unhinge you. Remember the things that have happened this year such as The Arab Spring which is a tribute to young people seeking better lives.

3.  Buy simple seasonal gifts for those you love. Never mind the simple $5000 diamond, or convertible. That isn't what I have in mind by simple. I recall reading that people who practice loving simplicity in gift giving, and put their money into travel or home improvements are glad for their decisions.

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